Sometimes it was difficult for me, because I often could not get enough information. When I make slides, I confused, because it was difficult to choose the most suitable information. I tried to make easy presentation to undrestand for audiences.
There were some difficult work but I enjoyed this class activities. It was fun to make presentation with classmates!!
Doing activities in Toronto

First is weekday. In the morning of the weekday, we study language in University of Toronto. In the afternoon, it is extracurricular activities and free time.
In weekend, we spend time with host family. Through a meal or shopping, it will be a good experiences to feel different culture.
In addition, there are many plans. One is sightseeing of Canadian Rockies. There are some national parks and rivers in Canadian Rockies. Furthermore, we visit on Vancouver City. Vancouver is the city where the Olympics are held in this year, and it is a big city in Canada.
Thus, you can get valuable experiences in one month.
I will talk about history of earthquakes in Japan and danger of Tokai earthquake getting up in the future.
First, I will introduce about big and famous earthquakes that happened in the past. This is the Great Kanto big earthquake. It was happened in 1923. So we know it only in a history class. This is an earthquake of magnitude was 7.9 and about 140,000 people were killed. It was said to have given the greatest damage in Japan.
Next is The South Hyogo prefecture earthquake. This earthquake happened when we were born already. It was 1995. This is an earthquake of magnitude was7,3. About 6,500people were killed and it was said worst after the War. Many people remembering it in there.
Next is about The Tokai earthquake. It is happen in 100 or 150 year cycle. So it is not strange when it happens at any time. You must listen carefully to next two speeches. They tells you about “what you have to do when earthquake happens”
Halloween Food
I will talk about food that is eaten during Halloween.
First, I introduce “Barnbrack.” This is an Irish raisin cake. Everybody is looking forward to eat the cake. Of course, one reason is because it is delicious. But there is one more reason. It is special things in the “Barnbrack.”
If you find a “ring” in the cake, you will can marry early. Or if you find a “broad bean” or “coin” in the cake, you will become rich. However, only happy fortunetelling is not interesting. In the “Branbrack”, there are other items. It tells unhappy for us. If you get a “button”, you may always single. Marriage will be difficult for you. If you find a “string bean” (pea), you will become poor. What do you wish for?
Food is one of the enjoyment for Halloween. A lot of people try to make original dishes on Halloween. So, I showed some pictures that I selected cute and unique dishes.
If you are interested in cooking, please try to make cakes like these!
My name is Tsubasa. I will talk about restaurants in LAGUNA. There are 10 restaurants in LAGUNA. I introduce only 4 restaurants from among this.
First, I introduce “KOKORO”. In this restaurant, you caneat many kind of noodles and set lunch. Udon set is healthy and reasonable. Next is “POMUNOKI”. This is specially restaurant of the omlet with rice.
This is “ITARIAN TOMATO CAFÉ jr.” you can enjoy eating pasta and sandwiches or drinking coffee. Last is “Hungry”. It is humberger steak shop. Your hungry will surely fill up !!